Let us use this money to plan open space acquisitions, instead of reacting to every crisis.
She urged the state's task force to consider open space acquisition in Fairfield County "where there's a large share of people."
As with many Connecticut towns, Westport sees opportunity for open space acquisition dwindling.
The bond act included $150 million for open space acquisition.
Nobody is against open space acquisition, but who pays the bills?
"It is a wonderful marriage of open space acquisition, historic preservation, environmental protection, recreation and tourism."
He said the cuts would have to come from spending obligations approved by the voters in referendums, like open space acquisition and environmental cleanups.
Governor Rowland called the deal the largest open space acquisition in the state's history.
If you live in one of the communities where open space acquisition is being advocated, take a good look at the propositions and the proponents.
The money generated - $8.3 million so far - is used for open space acquisition.