Chrysler continued with special projects for the Government; these were in the aerospace fields of missiles and space boosters.
Despite its success in its space flight programme in the 1960s, Suparco began to face intense competition from its rival organizations to build the space boosters.
"The fixes may be expensive to design, but they are not expensive to reproduce," said Charles T. Levinsky, the vice president of space boosters for Aerojet.
In the late 1950s, NASA established the Scout program to develop a multistage solid-propellant space booster and research rocket.
Signature characteristics say it's either an SS-11 ICBM or an F-1-type space booster.
With their eye on the bottom line, the Russians have been careful not to let the drop in the production of space boosters affect their deadlines.
Jon Masters took an active interest in the numerous small companies that built small space boosters for private and commercial applications.
The source of his irritation was Sky Masters' newest air-launched space booster, Jackson-I, a dark, sleek, bullet-nosed object whose very looks promised powerful results.
"Here's what they call the H-n space booster."