Courts, doorways, and hypostyle halls might have spaces designated for public prayer.
"More and more of the space designated for artists has dried up and filtered back into the market," Mr. Sepyo said.
In practical terms, that means scripts are written with space designated for the comedian to improvise.
The Recreation Center is an open-air space designated for larger social functions.
It is a twelve floor structure built in 2007 with 123 spaces designated for use as shops and other business offices.
Such burial would be optional and would not use any space designated for coffins.
But the space designated as a home office cannot be used for any other purpose.
Instead, most of the retail space designated for minorities went to white businessmen with close ties to the largely black City Council.
Would have increased the fines and penalties for parking in spaces designated for the handicapped.
Most relevant to the public, it gives the Phillips for the first time a space specifically designated for the display of temporary exhibitions.