The mission will feature the first space-based observatory designed specifically to understand the nature of dark energy, causing the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
The strong atmospheric extinction in some wavelength regions (such as X-ray, ultraviolet, and infrared) requires the use of space-based observatories.
GOODS consists of data from the following space-based observatories:
In the mid-1990s, Linsley's idea of a space-based observatory was revived by the establishment of the international AirWatch consortium.
After the discovery of dark energy, Perlmutter concluded that the next generation of dark-energy telescopes would have to include a space-based observatory.
Driven by digital imaging, automated survey telescopes, and space-based observatories, we have become much more aware of the full diversity of objects orbiting the Sun.
The Hubble Space Telescope, an astonishingly productive but aging space-based observatory, is facing challenges that will determine how long it can keep performing first-rate science.
In it, he discussed the two main advantages that a space-based observatory would have over ground-based telescopes.
Experiments there will help astronomers better interpret data from ground- and space-based observatories.
TRW built many spacecraft, including Pioneer 1, Pioneer 10, and several space-based observatories.