In the story, a ship belonging to a terrifyingly dominant space-faring race, the iduve, arrives at a space station.
In addition to humans, players can run a character from one of the handful of alien space-faring races that lie within the known space.
These mighty warriors, with the blood of a dozen space-faring races on their hands, feared facing the emperor.
They would successfully infect almost every space-faring race!
The rest of its unkempt and tattered uniform seemed fit more for a refugee than that of a space-faring race.
Gradually the space-faring race blended with our own, and then left, or perhaps just died away, for they were shorter-lived than the Ancestors.
The Earth's position is known to all the space-faring races.
Thus the game allows the use of weapons of a space-faring race on a medieval world.
Well, it isn't everybody who gets to name a future space-faring race.
More than that, they seem to be a space-faring race.