On the way to research station Einomia, the spaceship crew runs an emergency drill, and Yuri, while stressed and confused, holds up to the pressure.
In Delany's vision of the near future, hard radiation encountered by spaceship crews on long interplanetary trips has made necessary the surgical removal of their reproductive organs.
It is notorious that spaceship crews are inordinately popular where colonies are small and strangers infrequent.
Could a spaceship crew control missiles and fight its way back to ground with them?
Vari-grav gymnastics was an ideal form of exercise for spaceship crews because it provided maximum physical conditioning for the space and equipment used.
A spaceship crew had to have almost instant communication.
Equipped and appearing like any normal visiting Confederation citizen, Louise had then accompanied Endron to the hostelries frequented by spaceship crews.
"But your spaceship crews see live theater when they stop on Terra," Winston said from across the aisle.
NASA's long range plans indicate that a human visit to Mars will need to utilize inflatable structures to house the spaceship crew on the Mars surface.
He was showing the others that even in the intramural pastimes a spaceship crew will indulge in, a midget was better than a full-sized man.