The centre console has been lifted to make for a more luxurious and spacious feeling.
The low waist gave the car "an incredibly spacious feeling".
At its top a small light gave a spacious feeling as the early ages might have felt entering a mosque or domed basilica.
People want reconstructed barns because they offer a larger, more spacious feeling.
Although the aisles have been kept wide, giving the Armory a spacious feeling, many of the booths are crammed.
Again, he liked the spacious feeling of things here, though all was a bit forlorn.
The corner windows, considered very innovative in the 1930s, gave the apartments a more spacious feeling.
The light walls give the place an airy, spacious feeling.
This restaurant has a spacious, easy feeling, and fresh fish, barely touched, is the selling point here.
Other problems have surfaced, including what he described as "spacious, dizzy feelings."