Melnikov preferred to work at home, and always wanted a spacious residence that could house his family, architectural and painting workshops.
The Ipatiev House, built in the 1880s, was a spacious and modern residence owned by Nicholas Ipatiev.
This spacious detached residence has plenty to whet the appetite.including a 27 feet drawing room.
It was soon found that the royal family needed a more spacious residence, and the wings facing the garden were extended.
He fathered 7 children, and his salary, on par with the city's wealthiest jurists, allowed him to have a spacious residence in Nuremberg.
NY 58 begins passing spacious residences as it turns westward, crossing south of the hamlet of Edwards.
For many years it served as his manor house and was by far the most spacious and stately private residence in central New York.
There he built a spacious, luxurious residence where he had a coach and horses in his stable.
Accommodation the first three weeks of the period in families; the rest of the period in an excellent, spacious and beautifully located residence.
Willow Farm is the spacious residence of the Tucker family.