Madam de Warrens inhabited an old house, but large enough to have a handsome spare apartment, which she made her drawing-room.
Max and Riton go to Max's spare apartment, which Angelo does not know of.
Jonnie had been surprised at how well the chief had decorated the main room of the spare apartment.
"I think anyone wants their work to be judged on its own," he said, pacing around his spare one-bedroom apartment in midtown Manhattan.
It seemed the only tornado damage was the tree limb spearing the spare apartment's window.
I kept seeing Tyra, mur-dered, on my spare apartment's floor.
Of course the tree limb was still sticking through my spare apartment's window, awaiting my insur-ance company's inspection.
The family lives in a spare, dimly lighted apartment two blocks from the mosque.
There's even a spare apartment in the complex that can be rented for guests, for less than $100 a night.
Mr. Cotter said these have become an attractive option because the owner can rent out the spare apartments for $1,000 to $2,000 a month.