Alicia helped herself to a spare piece of biscuit.
It looked as though somebody had been trying to repair the damage, judging by some tools, spare pieces of equipment and wiring lying around.
The car had spare pieces from other machines, and the car number was taped on with black electrical tape.
Paper was still sufficiently expensive that all available spare pieces tended to be used in the toilet.
"When we know what to say," he said finally, looking down at the spare piece of grass beside his mother's grave.
Then he scribbled a sample of that on a spare piece of paper.
On a spare piece of paper draw a triangle similar in shape to the one below, but of any size.
Among these last, was one, with a spare piece of knitting under her arm as she worked.
They'd cut up cars like abattoir animals - using every spare piece.
There are no spare pieces about, and the interior is down to a gleaming finish.