The ES-175 was largely spared these changes until the mid-1970s.
Salt Lake was spared major fires until 1871, when several barns went up in flames with an estimated loss of $1,000.
To think that we should have been spared until this day -- spared to each other, spared for such glorious scenes!
Baron Aron was spared execution until 1937, after spending 18 years in Taganka.
Queen's were spared by vote until 1922 when, after a few solid seasons, the team were eventually relegated in second-last place.
The pain is also sharp, if not so cumulatively deep, at newspapers in California, which had been spared until late last year.
Stuart wondered why his life had been spared until this hour.
Humiliation I have happily been spared until this day.
Wilde's character is spared until the last.
Eventually, the skies cleared and the fans were spared until the soap-opera Yankees appeared on the field.