He impressed with his "sparkling displays" during his 22 Conference appearances, and was signed on a month-to-month contract by manager Jim Smith in summer 2007.
But his sparkling display at Turf Moor is likely to net the Yorkshireman a contract, although McHale also plans to recruit another keeper during the summer.
According to the Sunday Mirror, he produced "a sparkling display", which proved his abilities had "not been dulled by time".
This proved too much for Daniel Wilkinson, who nevertheless put up a sparkling display of shots and services.
But overall this is a sparkling display.
But the fruit of such an effort was on sparkling display in the United States debut of senior students from the Voronezh Dance Academy of Russia.
The defensive screens of the doomed warship flashed once-a sparkling, coruscating display of incandescent brilliance-and in the same instant went down.
There were sparkling displays of perfumes in crystal atomizers and windows filled with soft silk blouses.
Along with Smith, St George centre Gordon Hart also gave a sparkling display of free-running rugby league.
Puddles atop the low wall and droplets on petals caught the morning sunlight in a sparkling display.