Inside, the casino's decor was riotous with flashing red and yellow lights and a great deal of sparkling surface.
This provides a sparkling surface that reflects its surroundings such as the lakefront, city traffic at night, and the sunset.
The jaguar's dark head emerged from the sparkling, shattered surface of the pool.
He stared at the sparkling surface of the minihedron, the polished opaque facets that gave nothing away, and sighed deeply.
The mist above the sea had paled, and he could see now the sparkling surface of the dark blue water.
They dived together, down in a trail of bubbles below the sparkling surface, startling the fish.
There was a profusion of small sailboats dotted across its sparkling surface.
Sulu tossed a quizzical look over his shoulder while he brought the shuttle skimming down toward the sparkling surface of the sea.
Trader pointed at the shadow of the trout deep below the sparkling surface.
Mandorallen asked, looking at the sparkling surface of the Aldur River lying between them and the grim, black cliff.