Kate heard it too, and opened a window, her shadow languishing, dimly sparkling, on the grass.
Roselle looked at the detached house, with its large in-and-out drive and sparkling windows.
There were sparkling windows, and a flowing roof.
I stared at the sparkling windows like a line of jewels imbedded in the mountains.
She had those sparkling windows open wide to keep the house airy and welcome.
Would we want the "Monarch Towers" at Mount Airy, with "deep, rich carpeting that flows to your sparkling floor-to-ceiling windows"?
He laughed as he took a last look at the sparkling windows.
She looked out of the now sparkling window and heaved a deep sigh.
She looked out the sparkling window, where women were busy hauling cleaning supplies from their buggies.
For a moment they drifted over the glossy white hull of the Enterprise, near the sparkling windows.