Eberly grasped the podium's edges and looked out at the sparse audience.
It is a slow night at the club, with only a sparse audience for the featured performer, and few bar patrons.
All looked well, until a handful of children scattered along the upper railing came across as a sparse audience on television monitors.
"Our victory is more important," he told a sparse audience outside a factory in Zhodino.
There was usually a sparse audience in attendance at the 3:30 performance.
It was a sparse audience and Ivy took a great interest in it.
Now the audience, sparse but dedicated, joined the protest: "Let them walk.
Professor Bramanti sat behind a table covered with a red cloth, facing a rather sparse and sleepy audience.
However it was only played between 11 an and 4 pm on a Wednesday, to a sparse audience.
Feature films that would have drawn crowds in almost any provincial town or city were shown to sparse audiences.