The statement almost makes up for the sparse representation of black people - two photographs by my count.
It is a two-dimensional wavelet transform which provides multiresolution, sparse representation, and useful characterization of the structure of an image.
A region creates a sparse representation from its input, so that a fixed percentage of columns are active at any one time.
Often, a single point can have more than one sparse representation with similar data fitting errors.
Generally speaking, n is assumed to be larger than d to allow the freedom for a sparse representation.
However, under weak decoherence assumption, a quantum dynamical map can find a sparse representation.
The contourlet transform provides a sparse representation for two-dimensional piecewise smooth signals that resemble images.
Jews had "sparse representation in European arts and sciences through the beginning of the 19C", but within a century Jews were disproportionately represented (except in astronomy).
Was the sparse American representation a reflection of the poor state of relations between the French and American governments?
Finding a representation where most of the coefficients in the sum are close to 0 (sparse representation) is desirable for signal coding and compression.