It likes regular watering in summer and only minimum watering in winter, and will fare well in a large pot with sparse, gravelly soil.
The sparse soil of Apataki cannot sustain a great variety of vegetation.
This one is particularly choice for seaside areas, as it thrives in sparse, sandy soil.
Scattered trees, wizened and wind-sculpted, dotted the sparse soil among the glazed stone where Manetheren had been burned away.
They prefer lighter, more sparse soil to create their burrows with and this is why they dwell in arid, dry landscapes that contain this type of soil.
The thirsty trees that set down roots in the sparse soil of the Yucatán are lean and wiry, accustomed to hardship and drought.
Farmers and ranchers still venerate the mountain every year, offering gifts of coca leaves before shearing their flocks or planting crops in the sparse and rocky soil.
The areas that could be used for cropraising were small and with their sparse soil on slopes yielded less than ample harvests, especially for big families.
The sparse soil of the coral islands does not permit a diverse vegetation.
Spindly saplings that had found a footing ii the sparse soil and cracked rock were snapped off as the horse crashed through them.