Apes may be skillful at using spatial cues to find food, as that is an activity typical to their every day lives.
In other words, the pilot loses the ability to judge the orientation of his aircraft due to the brain's misperception of spatial cues.
For each rat, the water is always located in the same position relative to the testing room and distal spatial cues.
However, the water is always placed in the same location relative to the testing room and distal spatial cues.
The hierarchical process also serves an essential purpose if inputs are identical in terms of voice, amplitude, and spatial cues.
Hannan proposed that the long-term effect of blindness in the visual cortex is an inability to recognize spatial cues.
Mr. Mehta said his one request was a quiet house, because he gleans all his spatial cues from sound.
The advantage became greater the more the tasks required spatial cues, like looping a cable through rings.
The rat is placed in murky water surrounded by sheer walls containing spatial cues.
In both conditions the subject is alert but only the spatial cue provided spatial information on where to orient.