Speaking alternately in French and in patois, she charged them with a message which they were "to deliver to all her people".
He spoke to himself alternately in the dark silence of his mind and from within a mirrored self-image.
They spoke alternately in English, German, and French.
Users alternately speak to and then listen to the other person they're talking with.
He speaks alternately in three different voices.
He was weaving along the rear wall, pumping bullets from guns that spoke alternately with split-second action.
As the six characters or "voices" alternately speak, Woolf explores concepts of individuality, self, and community.
Duras alternately spoke and stared speechlessly into the camera.
That same year, he alternately spoke and sang the ballad The Man In the Mask.
The fresh vine shoot the wizard used for an athame bobbed with the words the women spoke alternately.