Energetically speaking, antimatter is the mirror image of matter, so the two instantly cancel each other out if they come in contact.
The new enfranchisement was strenuously opposed by Octavius, eloquently and energetically speaking against it in the Senate.
Gerard spoke quickly and energetically.
She went on, speaking energetically.
Mr. Zapatero smiled often on the campaign trail, spoke energetically and wore relatively hip clothes.
When President Clinton appears, speaking energetically behind a podium, the word "protected" is stamped across "America's values."
He spoke energetically and his words tripped over one another as they tumbled out.
Distinctly younger than anyone around him, Conley was speaking energetically, jabbing his fork in the air as he made a point to Nichols.
Huxley used the principles of energy science to undermine George's theory, arguing that, energetically speaking, labor is unproductive.
Although it's about competition, energetically speaking, it can't get with the program.