The two leaders were often together, and Mr. Bush on several occasions spoke positively of the general's efforts to promote political change.
One of them in Persian speaks of Tipu's efforts to build a dam at the same site.
He spoke of his efforts to lobby Washington and Albany for more aid, to make urban America's case with the rest of the country.
Mrs. Carlotto spoke of her organization's efforts to find their missing grandchildren, separated from their families during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina.
Politicians are paying attention, and Western development experts speak admiringly of Dr. Wendroff's efforts.
Still has spoken of his efforts to make the scenes in which Joel is stabbed as realistic as possible.
A number of agency executives spoke of their efforts to reach out to immigrant home seekers in their own first languages.
He spoke of our efforts to harvest the stunted grain from the old fields and pick and dry the fruit.
On previous visits I have spoken of New Zealand's efforts to resolve historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.
The Minister spoke proudly of his efforts to bring Cisco to Bahrain.