And Ms. Hanover called reporters to Gracie Mansion where she spoke tearfully about problems that went back several years.
They spoke tearfully about the disorders that had threatened their lives and those of their fetuses, and that had prompted agonizing decisions to have the procedure.
He tearfully spoke about his son in the kitchen of the family's crowded fourth-floor apartment.
Yisselda spoke tearfully.
Joyce tearfully spoke with the media following the game and admitted he made a mistake: "I just cost the kid a perfect game".
Sissy speaks tearfully of her father's intense depression and of being sent that day to pick up a bottle of nine-oils.
He spoke tearfully of his dead son, his only child.
And Meryl Streep, speaking tearfully, told of telling her children of Mr. Papp's death.
She spoke tearfully of das Baby ; and the baby does sound fairly disastrous.
Mothers and one young father slump on a single bench, speaking tearfully in Ossetian to one another.