The conference theme was the Petrochemical industry: prospects for the 1990s, and, inevitably, speakers focused on the current dire state of the industry.
Few speakers focused on major news events or looked ahead to the Presidential election.
Eric Hoover has called the authors pioneers in a burgeoning industry of consultants, speakers and researchers focused on generations.
Each speaker focuses on an area of life where the matters of major rights and responsibilities are a concern.
The speakers focus on a particular aspect of what it is like to run or serve as a young woman.
Other speakers focused on the local problems facing creative workers.
Instead, speakers focused mainly on the court itself.
The heavyset speaker now focused his blurred vision on me and I realized that all of the others at the table were listening as well.
- Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, previous speakers have focused mainly on the political aspects of this whole issue.
In the third sentence, the speaker focuses on the action in progress, not on its beginning or end.