The band's lyrics, one speaker noted, were a form of urban literature.
In addition to producing speakers long noted for their musical merit, he has also published several important theoretical papers.
In addition, a few speakers noted that the vast majority of people attending the conference were white and middle-class.
Several speakers noted that the prenatal-care program would not have passed the Senate had it included public financing for abortions.
Several speakers at the conference noted that the American Landsat system was in trouble.
As many speakers noted, his love for "my wife, Betsey," could not be contained.
As several speakers noted, it is a story with resonance for both blacks and Jews.
The speaker has also noted this matter in her speech today.
As previous speakers have already noted, there need be no contradiction between the two goals of supporting fair economic competition and guaranteeing protection for workers.
As previous speakers have noted, the timetable is extremely tight.