Until now, funds were set aside for special appropriations by individual legislators after they had received the budget from the Governor.
Camden County's is, however, the only sheriff's department that got a special appropriation in this budget.
The money would have to come from special appropriations, he said.
She plans to ask the town for a special appropriation to anchor them at the gravesites next spring.
But he said it would undoubtedly require a special Congressional appropriation.
The case was finally settled in 1898 when the government made a special appropriation to pay the claim.
Of the $842,463 bill for the meeting, $125,000 was provided in a special appropriation by the State Legislature.
Do I get my special appropriation for the teams?
These institutions were receiving special appropriations at a time when we must focus on our many publicly financed universities.
I will send a message to Congress today asking for a special appropriation so the commission can immediately hire staff and get to work.