Law enforcement officials reserve a special contempt for police killers, particularly the ones who elude capture for years.
Tolstoy made a lasting impression on Krupskaya; it was said that she had "a special contempt for stylish clothes and comfort."
"Prisons are the next version of slavery," she said, voicing special contempt for private prisons.
But California merlot has taken its hits this year, most notably in the movie "Sideways," which treated the wine with special contempt.
Turner and his comrades save their special contempt for the ordinary people, who care about nothing beyond being kept comfortable and entertained.
As for those U.S. officials who lecture them on free trade, Japan's envoys must have a special contempt.
I held a special contempt for people who cowered in their cars as they waited for the light to change at 57th and Woodlawn.
She pronounced the dog's name with special contempt.
As a man and a cop, he viewed that class of criminal with special contempt.
And he reserved special contempt for regional economic initiatives originating in Washington.