Church opinions will not be given special deference, but they are not lacking in political dignity either.
I am not unaware of your problem with those long accustomed to being a class apart and treated with special deference.
Partly because the commissioners feared the borough presidents might actively campaign against their proposals, they showed them special deference.
And even Canada, which has a longstanding reputation for treating refugees with special deference, has become more restrictive in recent years.
But that does not require paying special deference to the present Chinese leadership, as President Bush did when he sent his high-level mission to Beijing.
She spoke these names without special deference, as if they were pals from high school glee club.
There are ancient traditions of offering special deference to the quarterdeck.
In truth, there is no reason to give special deference to Mr. Greenspan's views on budgets and taxes.
The Governor, who was an army man, received them with great courtesy and the special deference of one to another of higher rank in his own profession.
The team does not officially acknowledge any special deference to the number, but acknowledges that other numbers besides the ones mentioned above may be set aside.