They'd sent her some special elixir for labor pain.
His eyes fell on the twine the herbalist used to tie the bunches of fragrant eucalyptus used in Phineas's special elixir.
After he wiped Zane's memory and died, he was revived by Samukai through a special elixir and forced to create their advanced machines.
In order to bolster her natural feral abilities, she drank a special elixir of Hunter's creation.
He also tells them that without the Codex, both he and Perry will die within a month, as their immortality depends on a recipe for a special elixir found only within its pages.
Historian Noel Serrano stated: "God touched the vocal chords of this Great Woman and placed a special elixir to sing for His honor and Glory!"
Raw, gentle, and easy, it mizzled out of the high air, a special elixir, tasting of spells and stars and air, carrying a peppery dust in it, and moving like a rare light sherry on his tongue.
Trent has prepared a special elixir that can temporarily nullify magic and has a special catapult that can hurl this elixir into the land of Xanth.
Myth: Contortionists apply snake oil to their joints or drink special elixirs to become flexible.