In their rituals, music, dance, special garments and offerings are part of the performance that surround the spirit journey.
He could have been Marabar Guru, decked out in special garments suited for a flight by night.
They wore no robes or special garments.
He made it quite clear that he wished you to wear this special garment.
This special ceremonial garment symbolizes that rank.
We could go to the outskirts where the new corridors are being driven into bedrock, but you'll have to wear special protective garments.
Anyone wearing this special garment may be presumed to be under strong restraint.
Immediately, several thoughts flashed through me - this must be a special garment he wears to help him do that trick!
The punishments ranged from the public humiliation of wearing the special garments to whippings to burning at the stake.
Read a short article about hip protectors, which are special garments designed to protect the hips of elderly osteoporosis patients.