He held out the special inducement of card-tricks, at which he was highly skilled.
Incentives Are Offered But most small companies count on orders at the convention itself, and they offer special inducements.
The upsurge in affordable town houses was a special inducement to this procedure.
As a special inducement Brockle Buhn sprinkled coal dust over the mess.
Other shows offered special inducements in order to encourage his owner to compete.
The company's location is another special inducement for conservation.
The steaks took a back seat to the sweet, tender lobster, an enormous four-pounder that, sadly, came with no special inducement to finish it.
Stokers collapsed daily from heat prostration and special inducements of extra pay and spirits were offered to men to take their place.
It's odd that the elected leader of a democracy should need a special inducement to pursue policies aimed at the long-term public good.
But some people don't need special inducements to sign the guest registry.