And despite energetic performances all around (special kudos to the likable Mr. Dixon), Eric Schaeffer's production feels inert.
Yet for movie makers around the world, it remains a much-coveted honor, one that helps draw American audiences and gives an award-winning film special kudos in other markets.
Among the large, cohesive ensemble, special kudos must go to Ms. Robins in the role of Lyubov Ranevskaya and to Mr. Genest as her brother, Leonid.
Fine grub complements the brews; special kudos to the Stilton burger and chips.
And the actors deserve special kudos for bringing it off on the dour Edwardian set of "The Voysey Inheritance," the Atlantic's current grown-up production.
Fresh fruit cups and apples make for healthy sides, and we give the restaurant special kudos for offering kids' meals that come with organic cheese and all-natural peanut butter.
To the Editor: Kenneth Lewis deserves special kudos for acknowledging that he has changed his outlook on free trade.
Despite energetic performances all around (special kudos to the likable Ed Dixon as the hobo), Eric Schaeffer's production feels inert (2:10).
And it gets special kudos for the shift, given that it is in the technology business.