His tenure as the European Union's special negotiator for the former Yugoslavia, and the plan he and Cyrus Vance drew up, were both fatally flawed.
By 9:00 p.m., police were in a standoff with the suspect and had summoned special negotiators and a heavily armed tactical unit.
He also named Mikhail Zadornov, the finance minister until this month, as the government's special negotiator with the International Monetary Fund.
In 1682 he was appointed special negotiator to France by stadholder William III of Orange.
"Sometimes you have to stick up for what you believe in," said Daniel Amstutz, the United States special negotiator on agriculture.
A senior State Department official, James D. Bindenagel, was appointed the special negotiator for conflict diamonds.
In addition, Mr. Christopher said, the special American negotiator, Reginald Bartholomew, has gone to the Balkans to meet the parties.
He appointed Mikhail M. Zadornov, the Finance Minister until this month, to be the Government's special negotiator with the International Monetary Fund.
During this period, a leader of the party, Privatization Minister Janusz Lewandowski, named him special negotiator in the sale of a state-run television tube factory.
He also asked for the job of special negotiator on Bosnia.