He is the Geo TV's lead anchor during special news and landmark events.
A news special that looks in to the recent deaths and suicides of those who are bullied.
"There's a line between our entertainment and news divisions, and they cannot kill a news special," she said.
"Entertainment doesn't have the authority to kill a news special."
They could sell it to one of the networks for a news special.
For that hour a news special about the events of 9/11 on ABC drew more viewers, 10.8 million.
'Yes,' said I; 'it's special news for his paper, and he's scared that the others should tap it.'
THE absolute best thing on television for the past year has not been a sitcom or a news special or a talk show.
I don't have any special good news about Mrs. Connolly yet.
"By-the-way, I suppose that there was no special departmental news?"