One must be reared to Dervishdom with all its special rites and foods to become a Dervish truly.
There may be special religious rites to be observed.
The Senate has always fiercely protected its prerogatives and special rites.
Calvin also conceded that ordination could also be called a sacrament, but suggested that it was a "special rite for a certain function."
There were special rites to exchange ties if the counterpart family did not want to move and another family did.
Sometimes those who came went on into the ship, for special rites or just to service her.
Ayilya Pooja - Milk, flowers etc. offered to serpent god and special rites.
On the day of the birth no special rites are performed.
Thousands of people hoped to attend special rites for Mr. Haq, a man they considered a hero.
Religious orders of more recent origin have never had special rites.