A good way is to describe your travel plans and ask whether any special surcharges apply.
It had heard about the trips from the airport to mid-Manhattan via the Bronx and about the special surcharges known only to unscrupulous cabbies.
The need to subsidize the 562-page special issue would have been eliminated had the price of that issue to subscribers been raised from $8 to $16 by special surcharge.
In some states, utilities have done one better, getting cash up front for their stranded costs by selling bonds to be paid off through special surcharges on customers.
New Jersey auto insurance premiums will drop $222 starting today with the elimination of a special surcharge.
And for attacks that cause more damage, the insured parties would pay a special surcharge to help defray the insurers' costs.
There would be a special, higher surcharge on oil.
In 2012 a special temporary surcharge was introduced as part of austerity measures to balance the budget.
The report is filled with records of transactions kept by Iraqi officials who demanded special surcharges.
Claims filed against the association were paid out of these drivers' insurance premiums with the help of special surcharges paid by drivers insured in the private market.