You put special trust in bringing up children by means of irony, and this was most in keeping with your superiority over me.
Or that person could move their corporate stocks to a special trust, which would be authorized to buy and sell without disclosure to the owner.
The earth upon which God has placed us should be for us a special trust from one generation to another.
About $1.8 million was put into a special trust fund for the quintuplets' future.
"Thanks, you certainly are reposing a special trust in me," grinned Keen, going toward the door.
Why did you spoil the special trust you have with millions of readers?
Instead, they would have to apply for compensation from a special trust.
In addition, some local governments may have special trusts set up to help people in need.
The commission now owns or controls 3,600 acres of the parcel, and plans to acquire more, which will be put into a special trust.
The money would continue to go into the special trust to fund alternatives to dumping.