Tonight, the fair is inaugurating Museum Night, a special viewing for museum curators.
It also contains a segment of a special viewing at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences on September 27, 2007.
The hotel where the Beatles stayed is offering a special viewing of their suite before the building is demolished.
Ten days before the sale began, private planes flew in clients from around the world for special viewings and parties.
The project also includes an auditorium for films and lectures, special viewing and research areas, a cafe and an enlarged museum shop.
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Perhaps it was an occasion for special viewing?
A private view is a special viewing of an art exhibition by invitation only, normal at the start of a public exhibition.
A series ticket is $30 and includes a special viewing of the exhibition on Nov. 25 at 5:45 P.M. Workshop fees range from $10 to $18.
A few hundred dollars at a blue-chip museum buys invitations to special viewings or rehearsals, special classes and seminars, and free guest admissions.