The examination of the larynx requires some expertise, which may require specialist referral.
He details his daily struggle: trying to treat patients as he knows he can, yet unable to find them a hospital bed or specialist referral.
One study of the gatekeeper system, published in the late 70's, did show a reduction in hospital days and specialist referrals in one plan.
They take specialist referrals from other hospitals across the province, and in many cases from other provinces or even other African countries.
Evidence of wide variations in outpatient referral rates is indicative of a lack of consensus about the appropriateness of specialist referral in many situations.
Survival figures indicate that age alone should not be a bar to specialist referral or treatment.
Once a significant condition is identified, specialist referrals are delayed.
Swiss chiropractors have been found to treat conditions in a similar way to their international counterparts while enjoying a greater number of medical specialist referrals.
UTH offers both inpatient and outpatient care and is a center for specialist referrals from across the country.
Most private care is for specialist referrals with most people retaining their NHS GP as point of first contact.