Congressional specialists on the census, as well as some outside experts, have urged the bureau to take a closer look at whether undercounting can be satisfactorily corrected by sophisticated calculations.
The pain persisted, and a specialist who gave the 58-year-old Pop artist collagen injections for smoothing face wrinkles urged him to see an internist.
In recent days, specialists have urged that the collection and distribution of all blood products be placed directly under public control.
Four months after an Illinois law went into effect requiring prenuptial tests for the AIDS virus, specialists in the disease are urging its repeal.
Lacking a cure or a clear-cut way to prevent breast cancer, specialists are urging women to take advantage of the one measure they know can reduce deaths from it: mammography.
Medical specialists serving on F.D.A. advisory panels often urge the agency to require such studies for critical medical devices so that doctors will have more data about their safety and effectiveness.
Despite stating his desire to return to the game, medical specialists urged him to retire, warning that if during a game his chest was knocked the defibrillator could fail, leading to instant death.
The specialists also urged the city to rely more on well-trained, well-supervised workers - and less on computers - to find good foster homes for children.
As its title indicates, 100 specialists are urging us to accept climate change not with resignation but with enthusiasm, arguing that CO2 is essential to photosynthesis.
One Panel's Urgency: 'Let's Get It Done' Midway through Mr. Reagan's first term, specialists were again urging the Administration to get moving on a new reactor.