Previously, he and other radiologists took turns, with none specializing solely in mammography.
(Hoffman 2006) The company specializes in malpractice insurance solely for anesthesiologists.
JMB Travel (01452 715370; Specialising solely in opera tours.
Also, about 1914 the company "made the decision to specialize solely in kitchen cabinets".
Hence the creation of Xchange Properties, a real estate company specializing solely in teardowns.
Although traditionally considered a sub-specialty of gastroenterology, rapid expansion has led in some countries to doctors specializing solely on this area, who are called hepatologists.
A large number of patents has been granted recently on nanorobots, done mostly for patent agents, companies specialized solely on building patent portfolio, and lawyers.
Ms. Rosenstock said the firm, whose principals are all women, is one of only a handful in the country that specialize solely in adoption law.
Currently there are very few sites solely specialising in publishing open letters.
Notwithstanding the title, a professor can be chosen who specializes solely or chiefly in only one, rather than both, of the subjects of astronomy and geometry.