Oktoberfestbier, a style of beer (known as Märzen in German) specially brewed for the Oktoberfest.
An attempt to appeal to the tastes of beer drinkers in the United Kingdom, this specially brewed beer contains 4.2% alcohol by volume.
The beer is specially brewed.
His festival was celebrated in the summer with the sacrifice of a lamb and a bull and the drinking of specially brewed beer.
The bar would offer one good red wine, a crisp white and a house beer brewed specially for the airline.
Christmas drinks are Gløgg and traditional Christmas beers, specially brewed for the season.
An elderly woman came in for some kasha varnishkes, the chicken wings were selling and there was still plenty of coffee, specially brewed with Evian water.
The refreshments at the Bow include a beer brewed specially for the establishment by the Caledonian Brewery.
From the signature beer specially brewed by a local microbrewery to the hot, fresh baguettes, all the details are right.
This beer is specially brewed by Empire Brewery in Huddersfield.