In August he was promoted to the temporary rank of major "whilst specially employed".
The University now offers 8 posts for provincial level Specially Employed Professors.
Three years afterwards Mr. Skene was specially employed to report on the nature and capability of the land of the colony, and in 1862 was transferred to Melbourne.
He eventually settled in Leadenhall Street, near East India House in London, England, and practised his art as a profession, being specially employed to make drawings of ships in the company's service.
He was specially employed on small historical subjects, as illustrations to books and plays.
With regard to these fines, they shall all be specially employed, upon the return to France, for the initial expenses incidental to a new party, either in this same kind, or in another.
He was specially employed to raise the Derbyshire miners as a life-guard for his majesty in 1642, when the lord-lieutenant of the county, the Earl of Rutland, declined to appear in the service.
After World War I he was specially employed by the British Military Mission to Japan until retired in 1920.
He served with the Essex Regiment but "without pay whilst specially employed".
Over a thousand specially employed monsters are also scattered - often hidden out of view - throughout the park at this time.