It was specially imported for the Sumatra and Kalimantan markets.
Genuine American bric-a-brac has been specially imported from the Deep South for the £820,000 restaurant.
Making the problem all the more aggravating, the sand had been specially imported.
In addition with that, the school clock was specially imported from England for the manufacturing of the clock tower.
Orchard flowers dominated the garden and five black swans were specially imported to garnish the pond.
Many of the objects in the park have been specially imported or copied from foreign designs.
Growdy, Jeff, and their helper had been specially imported for this evening's work.
Police discovered some children were specially imported just to be human sacrifices, bearing out many things Oke had claimed two decades prior.
"Grand crab and shore snails, specially imported," she announced brightly from the kitchen.
In fact, good cigarettes are made only in the 72nd and mine have to be specially imported from there.