But in specialty retailing, the stocks, like the fashions, aren't for everyone.
By the end of the 1960s, Zayre Corp. diversified into specialty retailing.
The company expanded into financial services and specialty retailing, and became a buyer of "junk bonds."
Financial services and specialty retailing accounted for about 80 percent of the company's $149 million profits in 1985.
Continuing operations consist of financial services and specialty retailing.
"It's a very focused product in terms of specialty retailing," said Lynn Giuliani, the company's executive vice president.
The value of your shares will improve if you get out of the problem area and concentrate on specialty retailing.'
Primerica is involved in financial services and specialty retailing.
Two giants of specialty retailing reported disappointing November sales yesterday.
After months on the brink of collapse, Hoffritz, an old name in specialty retailing, has been given a reprieve.