Conscious evolution refers to humanity's new ability to choose what the species Homo Sapiens becomes in the future.
Can the species Homo erectus be recognized in the European fossil record?
The minimum cranial capacity for the species Homo sapiens is generally set at 900cc.
A Paratwa is not a member of the species Homo sapiens.
A human is a member of the species Homo sapiens which means 'wise man' in Latin.
Biologically, a human being is a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Human evolution is the biological process that lead to the emergence of the species Homo sapiens:
Using membership in the species Homo sapiens as a criterion of moral importance is completely arbitrary.
Hunting has a long history and may well pre-date the rise of the species Homo sapiens.
Take "human" to mean any member of the species Homo sapiens.