Another literary device Petronius employs in his novel is a collection of specific allusions.
Therefore, it is reasonable to say that Plautus, according to P.B. Harvey, was "willing to insert [into his plays] highly specific allusions comprehensible to the audience".
I refer here to so-called humanistic approaches to language teaching, and make specific allusion to Gertrude Moskowitz's book Caring and Sharing in the foreign Language Classroom (1978).
(There are even specific allusions to Guantánamo, cited in discussions of the Spanish-American War, and to Baghdad, via the major's handy volume of Xenophon.)
Prior to the release of the 1951 Walt Disney animated adaptation of the story, scholars observed few specific allusions to this character.
When you make these declarations, you have a specific and well-understood allusion to an assumed Constitutional right of yours, to take slaves into the federal territories, and to hold them there as property.
The same sequence was also parodied in the video for Weird Al Yankovic's song "Bob"; that video also includes specific allusions to the INXS video.
The lyrics contain specific allusions to many events and figures of the revolution.
In addition to these specific allusions, several songs on the album have subjects like television, film, and the experience of being in a rock band.
Many pictures contain specific chapter-and-verse allusions to certain Bible passages.