The most common and very specific antidote is atropine, in doses of up to 100 mg daily.
Also, atropine has been used as a specific antidote.
It is the only jellyfish for which a specific antidote (antivenin) exists.
There is no specific antidote or treatment for environmental exposure.
The treatment is symptomatic, there being no specific antidote.
Since no specific antidote is available, prevention is the only way to deal with the production losses caused by the plant.
That's where a real doctor could take blood samples and manufacture some more specific antidote.
There is no specific antidote for colchicine, though various treatments exist.
These drugs should not be used in patients with impaired renal function, since there is no specific antidote available to reverse the effects.
The treatment of overdosage aims at the symptoms; there are no specific antidotes available.