Everyone is born belonging to a specific caste.
Ildirans have a very specialized society, with specific castes that are adept at performing particular tasks.
The Tamil Nadu state of India already reserves 69% seats for specific castes.
However, marriages are sometimes still arranged by parents within their specific caste or Indian ethnic community.
Generally the streets were inhabited by people of specific castes, though these days one can find a mixture of people in all the streets.
As tribal culture specialized specific castes, Shamans and apothecaries performed the 'niche occupation' of healing.
It also is an important part of Goan temple music; the temple dhol was traditionally played by a specific caste.
Many political parties draw supporters from specific castes or sub-castes.
Likewise, any caste is able to expiate their sins through the use of vratas, though some only pertain to a specific caste.
People in the professions of sailing, hunting, weaving, cobblery, basket making and fishing belonged to specific castes or subcastes.