Unless there is a specific choice requested, the monk will begin with a simple tattoo at the top of the back.
The specific choice may depend on the goal of the analysis.
Every student is required to work towards a degree with a specific choice of subjects.
When people are faced not with broad philosophy but a specific choice, opinion changes markedly.
At the end, the game calculates the player's fortune depending on the specific choices he or she made for each picture.
It's a certain kind of melodramatic convention that Tony made a very specific choice to use.
In other words, the focus isn't so much personal beliefs or specific choices, but rather the animals and their suffering.
Physical properties are not influenced by the specific choice of gauge.
"Yahoo was easier and offered a lot more specific choices," she said.
For a bang to be effective, the game master shouldn't force a specific choice, and the player doing nothing should also have consequences.