The infrared light technology works with a focused infrared light beam onto a specific integrated circuit and is used for small chips.
These can give solutions for any specific circuit, but not much insight into the operation of the circuit in general with different component values or inputs.
The specific circuits within the board are easily damaged and are extremely vulnerable to temperature changes.
These critics say Sematech should concentrate on specialty designs for chips called application specific integrated circuits.
While this ability has been verified behaviorally, the specific neural circuits involved have not yet been determined.
For still more flexibility, the chips are designed to be part traditional hardware, part application specific integrated circuits.
These results identify specific circuits within the brain that regulate the suppression of long-term memory retrieval during post-hypnotic suggestion.
This helped set the car up for a specific circuit when required.
In general, his research revealed the specific neural circuits for recognition of complex visual stimuli.
This arrangement had minimized controversy by allowing appointment of a candidate popular with the legal community of a specific circuit.